Confession Fails To Convince Authorities To Drop Charges

In a bizarre twist of events, credible evidence has emerged that has failed to exonerate a man who was arrested in regard to alleged child sexual assault charges.

A confession regarding alleged abuse perpetrated on a 12 year old girl has been made by another man related to the girl, that goes into detail about how he abused her.

The confession further states that the arrested man was targeted and that money had changed hands to ensure that he “goes to jail”.

In July 2020 fourteen reports were allegedly made to DCJ regarding significant harm due to physical and sexual abuse by the arrested man. One of the mother’s elder daughters has since apologised for making these reports maliciously along with friends, but this has not been enough for charges to be dropped.

The Sydney man at the centre of the allegations was arrested in Ceduna in South Australia on December 14, 2020. A warrant was then allegedly issued a day later for his arrest which resulted in him being extradited by Illawarra police to NSW.

At the same time the man was arrested, his five step-children were removed from the care of their mother by South Australian authorities on behalf of DCJ, NSW who alleged that the children “were in danger knowing that [the man] had been arrested”.

Leading up to the man’s arrest, the family allegedly was driving to their house in Western Australia when their car broke down.

When the man was extradited to NSW he was charged with child sexual assault and a variety of other lesser charges, and remanded in custody. The children were flown back to NSW and placed in the care of Community Services.

The mother was left on the side of the road in Ceduna to make her own way back to NSW.

The man is currently remanded in Goulburn Correctional Centre in NSW. He is accused of child sexual offences against his 12 year old step daughter, which he and his wife adamantly deny.

Bail has been denied and a further application is currently being prepared for a hearing in the Supreme Court.

The mother of the children reports that her life has been thrown into chaos in what she describes as a purposely orchestrated set of events between detectives in the Illawarra, the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) and JCPRP (formerly JIRT).

The mother had lodged a complaint in regard to historical child sexual abuse with police in 2019. The mother alleges that the father of her oldest child sexually assaulted her at 15 years of age, resulting in the birth of her first child.

The man at the centre of this allegation is said to have previously worked for Community Serivices. The mother has also alleged that the man is a drug dealer.

Three of the children have currently been placed with the former Community Services worker by DCJ caseworkers from the Lakemba office.

Several reports of sexual contact between the children have allegedly been made while the children have been in the care of this man.

Department of Communities first became involved responding to a report in April 2020 that the house the mother and her children were living in was unhygenic. Upon inspecting the house DCJ was satisfied that the house was not in the condition that had been reported.

Further reports of domestic violence have also been said to have been received by DCJ. The mother and step-father have denied that abuse was taking place. One of those reports was alleged to have been made on the eve of the couple’s engagement party when the party became rowdy and police attended. The children were said to have been in the care of a baby-sitter at the time.

The mother says that Department of Communities are demanding that she leave her husband permanently due to alleged domestic violence, which she denies has occurred.

She says that caseworkers in the Lakemba office of DCJ have now denied her contact with her children because she refuses to leave her husband. One child, she says, she has had no contact with since the children were removed.

The mother says that the involvement of the authorities has caused the couple to loose everything while they are fighting the man’s innocence.

Described as a “loving husband and dad to the kids” by a friend, the man owned a cleaning and a repairs business employing several people.

The couple had known each other for a number of years and formed a relationship in June 2020. They were married in December 2020.

Evidence that forms the content of this article has been taken from an extensive number of documents that have been provided.

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