On October 14, 2023 Australians head to the polls to vote yes or no regarding the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to the Federal Parliament.
The following articles were published on brokensystemproductions.com between 2019 and 2023. They have been archived on this site for posterity.
On October 14, 2023 Australians head to the polls to vote yes or no regarding the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to the Federal Parliament.
Read more...Last week journalist Katri Uibu and the ABC began publishing a series of stories as part of a major investigation into Australia’s failing child protection system.
Read more...The Child Protection system needs society to trust them otherwise their intakes drop and so does their funding.
Read more...An inquiry into the running of NSW prisons is being called for by loved ones of inmates within the system, as basic human rights are ignored.
Read more...Sources close to the family of murdered man say the family were known to Child Safety, who failed to step in.
Read more...A NSW woman alleges that her myHealth electronic record has been accessed and records removed that are important to a current investigation.
Read more...In order to understand how children in Australia are parented, and how they can be removed from their natural parents and placed with other carers, it is necessary to understand how the Australian system is structured.
Read more...On Wednesday this week I received the following email from the company in Switzerland who hosts my site, Broken System Productions. The Victorian Government is trying to suppress what I am exposing.
Read more...I think it is now necessary that I explain what I have seen in my work and which if similar conditions existed, could very possibly be the catalyst for a tragedy.
Read more...This morning, Dr Russell Pridgeon made a brief appearance in the Brisbane Magistrate’s court related to charges laid against him as part of the Australian Federal Police Operation Noetic.